Happy Birthday Doug!

Today is Doug’s birthday AND I get to head home for the first time in more than a month.  We started the day with a bagel sandwich and milk.  (I had chocolate milk of course!) Then we headed down for our morning visit of the triplets.   Doug got a very cool birthday gift from the ladies … he held all three babies at once!  The nurses laid each baby across Doug’s chest while he hyperventilated!  He was SO nervous.  It was so cute!

Then once the babies were situated, Doug was ALL smiles!  What a proud Daddy!

Logan is on the left, Owen in the middle and Weston on the right.  Once we got all the pictures, I got to hold Logan again.  We got a nice family (minus Jaden) picture.  Weston and Logan no longer have IVs so they will be easier to hold when we come to visit.  I’m hoping Jaden gets to hold one of “his” babies soon!  He’s been asking a lot.

We are on our way home now!  Time to load the car and hit the road!

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