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Wipe Out

Here I was getting the kids ready for bed and planning out a whole blog in my head about how we’ve all been recovering from sickness this past week.  Then … the Brewers win!  Doug and I had all the boys in the living room.  We all jumped up and down.  Hollered and hooted.  I grabbed the empty bottles and headed for the kitchen – still jumping and prancing around.  Then … BAM!  I slipped on a rattle, went up in the air, twisted my knee and landed flat on my back.  Ugh!  I laid in the fetal position for a second, taking an assessment as to if I was still alive or not.  Doug even got up to see if I was ok.  If you know my husband (and I love him), this was big.  Then I laughed.  I laughed so hard.  Have you ever done that?  Totally wiped out and then laugh hysterically?  Needless to say the third toe on my left foot hurts, but I lived to tell the tale.

So back to being sick all week.  (Hardly exciting after the rattle incident.)  The triplets had some bad colds this weekend.  They refused to sleep in the their beds.  REFUSED.  We learned to sleep like this:

These are the moments now that both remind me why I love being a mom and why it’s bittersweet to have only two babies.  See, if Owen was still alive, what would I do?  I couldn’t hold all three of them (physically impossible to get all three on my lap without help) … so would I hold only one and feel like I was playing favoritism or would I hold two and leave one by themselves?  That was my least favorite part about being a mom of triplets.  I couldn’t hold my kids without feeling guilty about not being able to hold all three.  Now I can hold all of my babies, but I feel guilty for savoring it because that means Owen died.

I still hold both of them as much as I can.  Or I let Jaden crawl all over me while feeding one of the triplets.  One thing I certainly don’t have as a mom is a personal bubble.  I love cuddling and snuggling.  I think the kids love it too.  🙂

Other stuff coming up?  I’ve started planning the triplet’s first birthday party.  I’m SO excited.  It’s going to be an amazing day of celebration and of course remembering Owen.  But I want it to be a celebration of surviving and living the past year.  It’s really going to be a great day.

Ok … off to design some wedding invitations and look for more ideas for the triplet’s birthday.

Love, Mel

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