I’d like to introduce you to my friend Therapy

Therapy is a close friend of mine. We have been getting together on and off since I was 13. Looking back, Therapy and I have been friends for 23 years.

We’ve been through a lot together. Over the years, she’s played many different roles in my life. While my world was unpredictable and I was trying to get my footing, therapy was a stable constant in my life. Sometimes she was that friend who I didn’t see for months, but I knew was just a phone call away.

When Owen passed away I remember sitting on the couch and while I didn’t feel like I was falling apart, I knew that I didn’t have the luxury to do so. So I called up my dear friend and she was there for me. She held me together so I could come home and raise my boys and run my household.

Today Therapy is there for me on more of a maintenance sort of deal. We meet once or twice a month to check in with each other. I sit on the familiar couch and share the good, the bad and the ugly of what’s been going on. While things are mostly good these days, I know that as soon as life takes a turn, my dear friend will be there for me.

She always is.

Mel at therapy

Who is your Therapy?

My friend, Therapy, looks like two couches, a women with a clipboard and candles burning on the end tables. It’s familiar and personal. Every time I pull into the parking lot I feel like I’m meeting my best girlfriend for a cup of coffee.

But maybe your friend Therapy looks a bit different. Maybe she’s your favorite yoga class or the grief support group you recently joined. Therapy could be your paintbrush and an empty canvas.

Whatever your friend Therapy looks like, make time for her.

She’s good for your soul and she’s good for you. No matter how busy you are, make time for her. Your family needs you to take care of yourself just as much as they need you to care for them. And we can’t care for our loved ones if we are sick ourselves.

Love, Mel

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